Gouverneur de Diffa

Speeches by Anna Harrison

[Day 1]
12.00 am - 01.00 pm
Theme: 5 Universal Principles of Company Growth
[Day 2]
01.00 am - 02.00 pm
Theme: 7 Key Business Owner Functions
[Day 3]
01.00 am - 02.00 pm
Theme: Our Best Mistakes in Business
Mr. Smaine Younousse has a long political career behind him. Originally from N’Guigmi, in the North-East zone of the Diffa region, Mr. Younouss was appointed Governor of Diffa on November 3, 2022. Until then, he was Special Advisor to the President of the Republic. Mr. Younouss has been a key player in the area of peacebuilding, having played an important role in the conciliation processes between the communities of the Diffa region. On the political front, Mr. Younouss was the first National Deputy for the special subscription of the rural commune of N’Gourti (Diffa Region) from 1994 to 1997.